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Boston Water and Sewer Commission Now a FlowWorks User

Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC, the Commission) has selected FlowWorks to help pull their data together across different management platforms and to better understand stormwater and flood events.  The FlowWorks platform allows BWSC to investigate the dynamics of rainfall, trunk flow and level, and pressure fluctuations in real time to better understand the causes of basin flooding.

In addition, FlowWorks is also pleased to be working with Flow Assessment Services out of Bedford, NH.  Flow Assessment provides flow-monitoring services to BWSC under contract, and will be performing all data acquisition field services and QA/QC for the project.

FlowWorks is working with Paul Keohan, Project Manager at the Commission, to improve access to data being collected around Boston.  Recently, the Commission expanded the collection of rainfall data to better understand the distribution of rain across the city.  Under a separate project, the Commission is measuring water depths and velocities.  FlowWorks makes it possible to integrate the data from both of these projects into one platform that the Commission can access outside of the normal working hours.

According to Paul Keohan, being able to access rainfall and depths during a large storm, rather than using rainfall forecasts, will improve the Commission’s ability to monitor the collection system and determine if corrective measures are needed to prevent flooding.